Raising support for luminary and his legacy



A rebrand to honor an innovation luminary, raise money and awareness of his legacy.

With a 30-year history, the Friends of Thomas Edison National Historic Park serves to help raise funds for the park, laboratory, library and residence of Thomas Edison. We created a new brand and marketing platform that speaks to Edison’s impact on the many things he brought to life. The new brand needed to appeal to the loyal current base of patrons, but more importantly connect to a younger audience divided across industries and influences.

Through creative event branding and promotion, we’ve helped raise both local and international awareness of the National Park and helped drive visitors to the park as well as capital for dozens of preservation projects.

We also created event campaigns which as in the example of the Black Maria, we promoted the event and success across digital, print, PR and social.


Raising support for luminary and his legacy

    • Raise grants & capital for preservation projects
    • Increase Social Media followers
    • Develop tools for marketing outreach & events
    • Create a visual language that helps the nonprofit uniquely stand out
    • Create a desire to invest in learning and preservation
    • Build a community of like-minded members, supporters and companies
    • Brand Strategy
    • Core Messaging / Copywriting
    • Printed Sales Materials
    • Website / Social Media
    • Fundraising campaigns
    • Sponsorship and Membership campaigns
    • Tradeshow materials
    • Giveaways, puzzles, wearables
    • Sales Tool / Presentations
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